Jim Holmes - For Mayor - An Experienced Leader - A Vision for Waco

Jim Holmes - For Mayor - An Experienced Leader - A Vision for Waco •

Campaign Donations

Dear Friends,
After serving 7 years on Waco City Council, and with current Mayor Meek retiring from Waco Mayoral duties, I have announced my candidacy for Mayor in the May 2024 Election. I am humbled to have the support and encouragement of many Wacoans, including 6 past/present Waco Mayors and friends and neighbors from all over our Great City. It has been my honor to serve the people of Waco; I love this City. We are currently experiencing a period of dynamic growth and the future is bright. The renaissance in Waco is made possible by the hard work of our City's citizens and businesses and taxpayers. I am genuinely thankful for the regular feedback and guidance and prayers I receive from constituents, and my door is always open. I want to hear your ideas as we strive to make Waco the best it can be. Please contact me any time.


I appreciate your support.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your voice in City Hall.
May God Bless Waco.
